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Here are your results for “Emerald Ash Borer”

9 Results
The Emerald Ash Borer: a bejeweled name with devasting results
‘Agrilus planipennis feeds on ash trees in the Northern Hemisphere’ doesn’t sound as menacing as it should. Agrilus planipennis is the scientific name for the Emerald Ash Borer – a brilliantly green jewel toned beetle species native to northeastern Asia that uses...
Prevent the spread of EAB across Canada: How you can save our ash trees
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has affected millions of ash trees in North America.  In Canada alone, EAB has now spread to five provinces, affecting ash trees in communities in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. While foresters have come...
Trees: our natural allies for living longer, healthier and happier lives
Escaping into nature has become a solace for many of us during the last few years. Getting away from the busyness of life, quieting our mind, and being present in the moment, whether to watch and hear the leaves dance in the...
Flowering trees across Canada
Flowering trees or trees that start to show their leaves are some of the first and most striking signs of spring. They are a sign that nature is starting to ‘wake up’ and action is happening! Travel across the country with us...
Battling buckthorn to bring back biodiversity
From the Mississippi River Valley up through Ontario and Quebec, and from Atlantic Canada west to the border of Saskatchewan, municipalities, private landowners, farmers and even hospital groundskeeping staff are fighting a powerful plant invader: buckthorn. Buckthorn came to North America innocently...
Atlantic Regional Urban Forest Update February 2020
In early January, the Atlantic Forest Health Workshop was held in Truro, Nova Scotia. Some of Atlantic Canada’s top researchers discussed the health of the region’s forests from a federal, provincial and municipal perspective. The attendees looked at current issues facing the...